Breathing and Sleep Solutions

Sleep apnea and airway

One of the biggest buzzwords in dentistry today is sleep, which further solidifies the role dental professionals have in ensuring their patients’ health and lives. Ninety million people in the US report snoring problems, yet 90% of obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) cases go undiagnosed.Airway health is an indicator for OSA and other issues relating to oral health. Through oral assessments, practitioners can employ the tools of sleep dentistry to help patients suffering from clenching, bruxism, and sleep apnea.

Why sleep disorders are a problem

Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) is a condition in which people repeatedly stop breathing while sleeping, and it is related to life-threatening issues such as daytime sleepiness, hypertension, coronary artery disease, heart attack, and stroke, to name a few.  Additionally, it can have repercussions on work performance and driving skills.
It is estimated that between thirty and fifty percent of individuals experience snoring, impacting not only their own sleep but also the well-being of those sharing their living space.

At Jordan J. Balvich, DMD, PC, we are delighted to offer solutions to help our patients effectively get a better night's sleep.

We start with a Sleep Ring Study.
Our Sleep Ring Study is designed to comprehensively evaluate and analyze sleep patterns, providing valuable insights into potential issues related to snoring and sleep quality.

  • Following the Sleep Ring Study, we conduct Review of Findings (ROF) Appointments to discuss the results in detail, helping you understand the findings and exploring suitable solutions.
  • Vivos Appliance
    As part of our commitment to addressing sleep issues, we offer the Vivos Appliance—an effective tool designed to aid in preventing snoring and improving overall sleep quality.

There are many ways to help prevent sleep issues.

  • Eating healthy.
  • Regular exercise.
  • Sleep on your side instead of your back.
  • Raise the head of your bed a few inches.

Any time you are having breathing issues, you should have them checked as soon as possible.

If necessary, we can help you with your sleep issues. We offer a variety of options to help you keep your airways open at night, increasing your chances for a better quality sleep and overall health.


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